Events & Workshops

Events in Esslingen 2023


in co-operation with


Wellness Boutique

"Thabilé is an up-and-coming artist from Soweto, South Africa. Her uninhibited, gentle and strong voice combines elements of jazz, soul and traditional African music. Having grown up in South Africa, which is only just coming to terms with the centuries-long apartheid, the lyrics in Thabilé's debut album " Dlamini Echo" inspired by these experiences on the one hand and by the many different life stories of women on the other.

With an irresistible mix of soul, jazz, pop and traditional African music, Thabilé and her band convey one thing above all: the joy of life, of music, of dancing!" (Thabilé | IG Kultur Sindelfingen)


The love that Thabilé has for singing and her music can be heard in every aspect . There is a musical range that allows genres such as Soul, Afro, Gospel, Pop, Jazz and R’n’B to flow into one another. 

The Stuttgart based artist Thabilé was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. More precisely: In a township called Dlamini. “I live in Germany today, but I'm happy to have grown up in South Africa. These roots are extremely important to me,” she says. You can also hear that in her music, which is repeatedly interspersed with African rhythms and vocal lines. “My songs not only represent myself, but the entire African continent. Everyone with African roots who listens to my songs should recognize themselves in them.“

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